Wartime images
Wartime images In service, on the home front, in remembrance View a selection of photos from Sydney and around New South Wales that relate to war time activities of 1914 to 1918 and beyond these years as commemoration memorials were established throughout the state. ...‘The Truth About German Atrocities’
'The Truth About German Atrocities', 1915 An abbreviated form of the ‘Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages’ May 1915 saw the release in NSW of the ‘Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages’,[1] which detailed accusations of human rights...Sydney in 1914
By 1914 the population of Australia had reached nearly five million people and there were 1.8 million people living in New South Wales. Of that 1.8 million, 40% lived in Sydney and the surrounding metropolitan suburbs, making Sydney Australia’s largest city.[1]
Wartime posters and publications
Browse through a selection of World War I leaflets, magazines and posters that have been located in our collection, arranged in themes: Patriotism, Anti-Conscription/Recruitment, Health/Lifestyle
NSW prepares for war
The response of the people: When men and women throughout New South Wales woke up on 5 August 1914 they found that Australia was at war with Germany. The initial reaction to the outbreak of war was one of jubilation and fervent exuberance.