British Recruitment Posters
1914-1915This selection of colour and black and white recruitment posters are all from British Parliamentary Recruiting Committee and date from around August 1914 and 1915. The colour posters are from NRS 12133 and the black and white posters are glass plate negatives from the Government Printing Office (NRS 4481). These British recruitment posters can be found in modified formats in NSW and other states around Australia.
- Our flag – fight for it. British recruitment poster, colour. NRS 12133 [SR Document 32]
- 1805 – England expects – 1915. Are you doing your duty today? British recruitment poster with naval battle in background, colour. NRS 12133 [SR Document 33]
- Britain needs you at once. British recruitment poster of St George slaying the dragon, colour. NRS 12133 [SR Document 34]
- Halt. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 6
- Think. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 5
- Come along boys. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 4
- Shakespeare quote. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 3
- Remember Belgium. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 2
- The Farewell. British recruitment poster, Government Printing Office glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 1
- Speech by Prime Minister at Guildhall, November 1914. British recruitment poster, colour. NRS 12133 [SR Document 35]
- Go and help. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 7
- More men wanted. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 8
- It is your duty. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 9
- Trained men. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 10b
- Fighting for freedom. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 10c
- Four questions. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 11
- Our forefathers. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 12
- Your King and country need you. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 18
- Your country needs you. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 17
- If the cap fits. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 16
- Separation allowance. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 15
- Why Not Join The Army. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 14b
- Call to arms. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 14
- Still a place. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 13
- If you cannot join the army. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 19
- Answer the call. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 20
- Men, to delay is dangerous. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 21
- Why aren’t you in khaki. British recruitment poster, GPO glass negatives, black and white. NRS 4481 Box 606-303 Image 22
- There are three types of men. British recruitment poster, colour. NRS12060 [9-4704 letter 15-6436_002]
- Step into your place. British recruitment poster, colour. NRS12060 [9-4704 letter 15-6436_003]
- Your country wants you. British recruitment poster, colour. NRS12060 [9-4704 letter 15-6436_004]