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Battle of Verdun, Western Front

February - December 1916

The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest and most deadliest battles of World War I.  The German offensive at Verdun, in north-eastern France, began on 21 February and lasted over 300 days until 18 December 1916.  Although no Australian troops were involved in the battle, Premier Holman asked the New South Wales Agent General in London to keep him updated with daily telegrams.  Australian troops began arriving in France from March 1916 and took part in the Battle of the Somme, which began on 1 July 1916.  The Somme was an Anglo-French led offensive and in part was an attempt to relieve some of the pressure on the French troops at Verdun. This selection of records are from NRS 12060 Premier’s Correspondence and date from 1 March 1916 to 7 April 1916.  It includes cables, an extract from Hansard and press releases.