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Souvenir Bangalow Patriotic Carnival booklet

7 June 1915

On 17 March 1915 the Bangalow Patriotic League wrote to Premier Holman to ask him to contribute a patriotic message to the people of Bangalow.  In June 1915, the Committe ran a number of fundraising events, including  a dance social, a football match and the carnival.  Holman’s message can be seen on page two of the booklet.  According to local newspaper, the Northern Star, the events were successful and there were “a large number present and a pleasant time was spent by all” (Northern Star, 22 June 1915).  The Committee raised over 935 pounds from the various events and raffles held at the same time.


Bangalow Patriotic Carnical booklet from NRS 12060  [9/4698 letter 15/1795].

Northern Star, Bangalow Patriotic Carnival article, 22 June 1915,, retrieved 12 April 2014.